Streamlining Front-End Development with Top 20 Best CSS Frameworks in 2023

What Is a CSS Framework?

CSS framework is a library of CSS code that makes it easy to lay out web pages according to various visual styles. It can be based on ready-to-use classes, UI components, grid systems, and other techniques to simplify the work of front-end developers. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) determine the characteristics of all page elements, such as font, borders, colors, etc., and significantly save the effort of programmers, allowing you to achieve an accomplished presentation of the website in the shortest possible time.

Benefits of Using CSS Frameworks

  • Fast start. Show your client your vision of the website with minimal effort.
  • Coherence. All pages of your website will be stylized in the same way, which creates a sense of a balanced product for visitors.
  • Possibility of page layout without special knowledge. CSS frameworks can be used even with minimal knowledge of layout principles.
  • Perfect work on all browsers. Cross-browser compatibility gives you the assurance that users with different browser preferences will perceive the content identically. A perfect example of this is the website of the online casino MIT Hoher Gewinnchance, which works great on all devices.
  • Community support. Ease of getting technical assistance thanks to a wide and active community using CSS frameworks.
  • Customizability: Easily combine and modify different components and styles and add your own for a more original website presentation.

Primary Goals of CSS Framework

CSS framework is a ready-made framework that guarantees user-friendly interfaces for your websites and apps. It is intended to optimize the efforts of programmers and achieve fast and well-elaborated results due to:

  • Reliable and tested solutions: saves programmers from errors related to page layout.
  • Flexible functionality of advanced CSS frameworks, with which you can achieve almost the same originality as when developing the source code from scratch.
  • Responsive web design: any device displays the website identically without any loss of information. 
  • The simplicity of upgrading: easily add new components or modify previous ones.

The 20 Best CSS Frameworks in 2023

Name What It Is GitHub Stars License
Bootstrap The most sought-after CSS framework 165k MIT
Bulma Clear and comprehensible CSS framework based on the Flexbox module 47.4k MIT
Foundation Considered the best alternative to Bootstrap among all other CSS frameworks  30k MIT
Fomantic UI An updated version of Semantic UI  3.3k MIT
Blaze UI Scalability and maintainability-focused toolkit 1.5k MIT
Vanilla Framework Minimalistic stylesheet for web projects 705 LGPL-3.0 
Tailwind Top CSS for creating unique design websites 71k MIT
Open Props Non-prescriptive CSS library 3.4k MIT
Tachyons Design-oriented CSS framework 11.4k MIT
Materialize Web design framework based on Google recommendation   38.8k MIT
Pure Lightweight framework by Yahoo  23k BSD
Milligram Perfect minimalistic CSS for small projects 10k MIT
Chota Ease-of-use micro CSS framework 1.2k MIT
Spectre Flexbox-based lightweight and responsive framework 11.2k MIT
Skeleton Lightweight CSS with a basic set of components 3.2k MIT
Water Drop-in collection to style your websites 7.7k MIT
MVP Classless CSS framework to create a Minimal Viable Product 4.7k MIT
UI Kit Top CSS focused on building apps for iOS 17.9k MIT
Gutenberg The best CSS framework to prepare HTML pages for printing 4.7k MIT
Bojler Framework devoted to the creation of email templates 994 MIT

General-Purpose CSS Frameworks

1. Bootstrap

Bootstrap is the best CSS framework that helped to create about 1/5 of all websites on the web. It is open source and does not require payment for both non-commercial and commercial websites.

Summary of Bootstrap:
File size: approx. 163.82 kB
Responsive breakpoints: 576px, 768px, 992px, 1200px, 1400px
  • All plugins in Bootstrap 5 are pure JavaScript
  • Using jQuery in previous versions
Grid system: 12 columns
Features: Alerts, Buttons, Card, Navs, Carousel, Media Object, Popovers, Dropdowns, Forms, List Group, Input Ggroup, Jumbotron, Modal, Spinners, Pagination,  Progress, Scrollspy, and many more
Particularities: Utilities, ready-made components, build layout tools, styling classes, community extensions/examples

Reasons to Use Bootstrap

  • Tested on millions of websites;
  • A huge number of ready-made classes and components;
  • High speed;
  • Possibility of customization;
  • Powerful technical support thanks to numerous active communities.


  • It’s hard to make something unique due to the frequency of use.
  • Large file sizes.

2. Bulma

Bulma is one of the most modern yet simple CSS. Thanks to its clarity, this framework is mastered very quickly and efficiently. Suitable for developing websites and apps for all types of devices.

Summary of Bulma:
File size: Approx. 206.62 kB
Responsive breakpoints: 768px, 1024px, 1216px, 1408px
JavaScript: Does not require JavaScript
Grid system: 12 columns
Features: Box, Button, Image, Content, Notification, Card, Tab, Delete, Icon, Message, Navbar, Pagination, Progress bars, Tag, Titles
Particularities: Based on the Flexbox module

Reasons to Use Bulma

  • Easy customization;
  • Lightweight;
  • Can be used with any JavaScript framework;
  • Minimal HTML code.


  • A small community of users in comparison to other CSS frameworks; 
  • Still under development;
  • Needs more documentation.

3. Foundation

Foundation is one of two CSS top frameworks with a huge feature set that will make any front-end developer happy. It was created in 2011 primarily to work on mobile devices but is responsive and suitable to work on all other devices with a far larger screen.

Summary of Foundation:
File size: Approx. 134.84 kB
Responsive breakpoints: 640px, 1024px
JavaScript: foundation.min.js and jQuery  
Grid system: 12 columns
Features: Abide, Label, Accordion, Badge, Switch, Off-canvas, Flex Grid, Button, Callout, Grid, Reveal, Close Button, Equalizer, Interchange, Menu, Orbit, Pagination, Sticky, Table, Toggler, Tooltip, Visibility Classes, etc.
Particularities: Motion UI, using Flexbox module in the latest version, documentation with videos

Reasons to Use Foundation

  • Open source;
  • The rapid development of projects thanks to the Sass compiler;
  • Advanced interface;
  • Reliable grid;
  • Awesome animation library;
  • Ability to develop both sites and email.


  • Not a very attractive design;
  • Only professionals can handle code modification;
  • Less popular than Bootstrap, meaning less community support.

4. Fomantic UI

Fomantic UI is a continuation and improvement of Semantic UI’s best CSS framework, that allows it to unite fans of both CSS frameworks around itself.

Summary of Fomantic UI:
File size: More than 600 kB
Responsive breakpoints: 723px, 933px, 1127px
JavaScript: jQuery  
Grid system: 16 columns
Features: Buttons, Inverted Buttons, Images, Icons, Inputs, Dividers, Loaders, Breadcrumbs, Statistics, Cards, Accordions, etc.
Particularities: Build tools

Reasons to Use Fomantic UI

  • Free open source;
  • Thousands of theming variables;
  • Dozens of UI components;
  • Responsive for tablet, mobile, and other devices;
  • Simplified debugging;
  • Cross-browser.


  • Possible style conflicts;
  • Limited documentation.

5. Blaze UI

Blaze UI is a mobile-first framework, but it is also responsive to other devices. It functions on native browser features without the need to involve an additional CSS library.

Summary of Blaze UI:
JavaScript: Compact JavaScript Library
Features: Addresses, Avatars, Badges, Divider, Lists, Trees, etc.
Particularities: One of the lightest CSS frameworks

Reasons to Use Blaze UI

  • Free open source;
  • Work on any screen size;
  • Easy customization;
  • A lightweight UI toolkit;
  • Well-documented.


  • Less JavaScript support compared to other frameworks;
  • Limited community.

6. Vanilla Framework

Vanilla belongs to the class of minimalist CSS frameworks stylesheets. However, you can easily expand it and complement the proposed patterns.

Summary of Vanilla:
JavaScript: Compact JavaScript Library
Grid system: Responsive CSS grid
Features: Accordion, Badge, Buttons, Cards, Grid, Chips, Icons, Lists, etc.
Particularities: Built using Sass 

Reasons to Use Vanilla

  • Highly flexible;
  • Easy to add to your projects;
  • Lightweight;
  • Responsive CSS grid;
  • Pre-made HTML elements;
  • Compatible with numerous other frameworks.


  • JavaScript support should be expanded;
  • Small community.

Utility-Based CSS Frameworks

7. Tailwind

Tailwind is the best CSS framework that is almost flawless due to its advanced infrastructure. It is suitable for creating complex and unique websites. Thanks to this creative potential, it has experienced a real boom in popularity in the last couple of years.

Summary of Tailwind:
File size: Approx. 2413.4 kB
Responsive breakpoints: 640px, 768px, 1024px, 1280px, 1536px
JavaScript: Varies
Grid system: 12 columns
Features: Possibility of combining CSS classes for creating components

Reasons to Use Tailwind

  • Compatible with many other frameworks;
  • Greater control and easy component modeling;
  • Excellent documentation;
  • Support for all modern browsers;
  • Unlimited flexibility.


  • Excessive use of utility classes.

8. Open Props

Open Props is an optimized open-source non-prescriptive CSS library. When working with this framework, you can use custom classes along with or instead of predefined class names.

Summary of Open Props:
Responsive breakpoints: 360px, 480px, 768px, 1024px, 1400px, 1920px
JavaScript: Builds the JavaScript modules
Features: Lists, Code, Audio, Video, Progress, Meter, Images, Checkboxes, etc.
Particularities: Non-prescriptive CSS library

Reasons to Use Open Props

  • Huge possibilities for website design;
  • Custom interfaces;
  • Opportunity to add animation.


  • Insufficient Documentation;
  • Small community.

9. Tachyons

If you are tired of redundant and complex stylesheets, opt for the progressive Tachyons, which uses functions and utilities to design web pages and apps. This CSS and HTML framework is aimed at minimizing the use of code and, therefore, the size of its CSS file is quite small.

Summary of Tachyons:
File size: Approx. 73.26 kB
Responsive breakpoints: Medium and large
JavaScript: Optional
Grid system: 12 columns
Features: Article Lists, Articles, Forms, Avatars, Tables, Collections, Links, Banners, Buttons, Cards, Footers, Layout, Headers,  Lists, Quotes, Text, etc.
Particularities: Open-source CSS libraries

Reasons to Use Tachyons

  • Powerful yet flexible front-end framework;
  • Simple class functions;
  • Follows mobile-first strategy;
  • Thorough module documentation.


  • Limited distribution due to high competition;
  • More difficult to master than alternative products.

10. Materialize

Bringing your web design ideas to life with minimal effort is made possible by the best front-end framework Materialize. It allows you to create web products in the Google style thanks to which it is listed among the three most popular CSS frameworks.

Summary of Materialize:
File size: Approx. 139.62 kB
Responsive breakpoints: 600px, 992px, 1200px
JavaScript: Materialize.min.js and jQuery 
Grid system: 12 columns
Features: Auto Init, Collapsible, Badges, Footer, Breadcrumbs, Carousel, FeatureDiscovery,  Icons, Pushpin, Modals, Scrollspy, Navbar, Pagination, Tooltips, Waves, etc.
Particularities: Tailored to Material Design

Reasons to Use Materialize

  • Lots of advanced components and classes;
  • Maximizing developer productivity;
  • Fast page loading;
  • Ease of use.


  • It is difficult to create a unique product due to the uniformity of the design;
  • Excessive use of JavaScript.

Lightweight CSS Frameworks

11. Pure

Pure is the most popular front-end framework in the lightweight class. It was developed by Yahoo as a decent minimalist alternative to Bootstrap.

Summary of Pure:
File size: Approx. 16.79 kB
Responsive breakpoints: 568px, 768px, 1024px, 1280px
JavaScript: Limited support
Grid system: 5 and 24 columns
Features: Base, Forms, Grids, Tables, Buttons, Menus
Particularities: Built on Normalize.css

Reasons to Use Pure

  • Very small file size;
  • Works well with leading browsers and OS;
  • Possibility of adding Bootstrap elements.


  • Minimal JavaScript support, although vanilla JavaScript is possible.

12. Milligram

If you don’t believe that a tiny framework can be powerful, try the free and minimalistic Milligram. It is listed in the top CSS ranks for providing a complete set of tools in a very small file size.

Summary of Milligram:
File size: Approx. 9 kB
Responsive breakpoints: 640px, 1280px, 1920px
JavaScript: Does not support JavaScript
Features: Buttons, Typography, Tables, Blockquotes, Lists, Forms, Grids
Particularities: Use of Flexible Box Layout Module 

Reasons to Use Milligram

  • Enables developers to create clean and concise code;
  • Several handy ways to add it to your projects;
  • Can be mastered in just 1 day.


  • Lack of templates;
  • Some components from other most popular front-end frameworks are not available because Milligram does not support JavaScript;
  • Narrow community, making technical assistance difficult.

13. Chota

Chota is one of the new CSS frameworks that focus on ease of use with clear rules that even beginners can understand. Despite being a micro framework with a very small file size, it comes with a great set of components & utilities.

Summary of Chota:
File size: Approx. 3 kB
JavaScript: Limited JavaScript support
Grid system: 12 columns
Features: Rid, Tabs, Buttons, Card, Nav, Tag
Particularities: Doesn’t use preprocessors

Reasons to Use Chota

  • Possibility to extend thanks to SASS;
  • Support of 7 leading browsers;
  • Adheres to semantic HTML conventions;
  • Possibility of using icons. 


  • Few learning materials;
  • Lack of comprehensive community support.

14. Spectre

Spectre is based on Flexbox and CSS grid, which allows it to create responsive websites with a small file size. Since it is optimized for different fonts, including Asian ones, Spectre has found a wide user base and is considered one of the best CSS frameworks.

Summary of Spectre:
File size: Approx. 45 kB
Responsive breakpoints: 480px, 600px, 840px, 960px, 1280px
JavaScript: Does not support JavaScript
Grid system: 12 columns
Features: Accordions, Code, Avatars, Buttons, Labels, Toasts, Cards, Chips, Forms, Hero,  Media, Panels, Menu, Modals, Nav, Steps, Tables,  Tooltips, Typography, etc.
Particularities: Based on the Flexbox module

Reasons to Use Spectre

  • Multiple methods to add to your project;
  • Ability to edit LESS files;
  • Easily creates uncommon responsive tables;
  • Can be used with older browsers.


  • Doesn’t support JavaScript.

15. Skeleton

To quickly start the process of developing a website, you need only basic CSS components presented in a minimalistic and lightweight Skeleton.

Summary of Skeleton:
File size: Approx. 31.6 kB 
Responsive breakpoints: 440px, 550px, 750px, 1000px, 1200px
JavaScript: Based on CSS and JavaScript
Grid system: 12 columns
Features: Grid, Forms, Typography, Tables, Media queries, Buttons, Lists, etc.
Particularities: Has tested Less and Sass extensions proposed by the community

Reasons to Use Skeleton

  • Easy to store and manage due to small file size;
  • Works with all modern browsers;
  • Easy to learn even for inexperienced developers;
  • Ability to use Sass or Less extensions.


  • The choice of pre-styled components is not very wide.

Class-Less CSS Frameworks

16. Water

If you need to develop a simple static web page or present a demo website for your client, it makes sense to use the Water CSS framework. It doesn’t require classes and, therefore, can be easily added to projects using one line of code.

Summary of Water:
File size: < 2 kB
JavaScript: Based on CSS and JavaScript
Features: Background, Code, Border, Animation, Links, Focus, Variable, etc.
Particularities: Built with CSS variables

Reasons to Use Water

  • Class-free semantic HTML;
  • High code quality;
  • Supports all popular browsers;
  • Customizable.


  • Best for small projects only.

17. MVP

MVP is the best CSS framework for those who need to create a Minimal Viable Product quickly. By adding just one line of code to your HTML file, you can style your website and make it more attractive.

Summary of MVP:
File size: One line of code
JavaScript: Does not require JavaScript
Features: Table, Details, Summary, Code, Checkbox, Pre-line, Focus, Font, etc.
Particularities: Easy CSS variables modification 

Reasons to Use MVP

  • Easy workflow using semantic HTML;
  • Reusable components;
  • Mobile-friendly;
  • Free use for any purpose;
  • Ability to use CSS variables.


  • The choice of customization options is quite limited.

Specialized CSS Frameworks

18. UI Kit

If you are developing applications for iOS, the best CSS framework would be UI Kit. Backed by Apple, it provides the perfect user experience with an intuitive interactive interface built with CSS libraries.

Summary of UI Kit:
File size: Approx. 256.01 kB
Responsive breakpoints: 640px, 960px, 1200px, 1600px
JavaScript: uikit.min.js 
Grid system: 12 columns
Features: Alert, Animation, Cover, Article, List, Badge, Block, Grid, Breadcrumb, Button, Close, Flex, Column, Comment, Contrast, Pagination, Dropdown, Form, Icon, Overlay, etc.
Particularities: Free autocomplete plugins

Reasons to Use UI Kit

  • Creating a consistent style for your web products and applications;
  • Ability to quickly design alternative project options;
  • Ease of rebranding due to the wide selection of UI components offered by the best UI framework.


  • App performance may degrade when using advanced features.

19. Gutenberg

If you care about the appearance of the content of HTML pages when printed, choose Gutenberg from all CSS frameworks. Offering a variety of post templates, it will facilitate and speed up the work of the developer, as well as make its results attractive to the end user.

Summary of Gutenberg:
Responsive breakpoints: 480px, 600px, 782px, 960px, 1080px, 1280px, 1440px
JavaScript: Supports JavaScript
Features: Code, Headings, Sub, Paragraph, Blockquote figure, Sup, etc.
Particularities: Available on npm

Reasons to Use Gutenberg

  • Ease of use thanks to the block system;
  • Can be mastered without programming skills;
  • Thousands of blocks available;
  • Detailed documentation.


  • Narrow focus.

20. Bojler

If you need responsive email templates then one of the best CSS frameworks would be Bojler. It is easy to use, yet allows you to create great product designs compatible with various email clients.

Summary of Bojler:
File size: Approx. 345.9 kB
JavaScript: Supports JavaScript
Features: Reset styles, Grid system, Components, Utility classes, Typography 
Particularities: Built with SASS

Reasons to Use Bojler

  • Lightweight email templates;
  • Works correctly with common email clients;
  • Wide selection of utility classes and components.


  • The narrow focus of this CSS framework makes it interesting for a small community of users.

Is Tailwind better than Bootstrap?

The choice in favor of Bootstrap vs Tailwind should be made based on your tasks. If you want to quickly create an effective digital product using a responsive website design framework, you should select Bootstrap. However, if you want an exclusive website with a lot of customization options, Tailwind is the one to go for.

Do professionals use Bootstrap?

Yes, Bootstrap is considered to be the most popular choice among the best CSS frameworks by hobbyists and professionals alike. This is proven by its leadership in the number of downloads of installation files and the most stars on GitHub.

Is Angular better than React?

Your decision depends on the tasks that you are going to solve with the best CSS frameworks. If you need to quickly and efficiently develop single-page applications, then Angular is an excellent choice. However, its mastering is somewhat of a challenge for beginners, which is why most users choose React.


By getting to know the pros and cons, as well as the scope of each of the best CSS frameworks, you can easily make an informed choice. Depending on whether you need to quickly create a demo version of the site to demonstrate to the customer, or if they are interested in an exclusive product, you will prefer different CSS frameworks.

Reddit style sheets will allow you to create trending apps and websites that will signal to the consumer that the developers have done a good job creating them. But at the same time, you will spend a minimum of effort and be sure that there will be no errors and conflicts when running applications or sites. Front-end frameworks greatly simplify the endeavors of developers, and if you have not yet discovered their advantages, it is worth starting your fascinating acquaintance with the aptest CSS frameworks.

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