Security Specialist Chris Boyd Discusses Cutting-Edge Burglary Technology’s Role in Safeguarding Properties

In 2022/2023, England and Wales experienced a staggering 191,490 reported house burglaries, averaging 525 incidents daily, or one every 165 seconds. This statistic highlights the urgency for both businesses and households to evaluate their security systems and stay informed about protective measures.

Chris Boyd, the founder of NSW UK, a company specialising in a broad spectrum of CCTV and burglary systems, shares insights on establishing and maintaining robust security.

Evolving Security Technology

CCTV technology has seen remarkable advancements over the past decade, moving far beyond the grainy images once common on Crime Stoppers. Modern CCTV systems are most effective when integrated with other security tools, such as burglar alarms, to prevent theft and vandalism in both residential and commercial settings.

“Every CCTV system we build and install has the ability to capture high-definition footage. In a court of law, CCTV footage from a professionally built system may be included as evidence, which can protect communities more efficiently,” states Chris Boyd.

He further elaborates, “Analogue and digital CCTV systems are the two varieties that are accessible. Digital CCTV systems are relatively new, although analogue CCTV systems have been around for a while. Internet Protocol (IP) is the newest technology utilised in digital CCTV systems. IP cameras can be hardwired or wireless, and to operate, they can even use sim cards or wifi at home.”

The evolution of security technology offers a significant peace of mind to property owners, with remote monitoring capabilities acting as a deterrent to criminal activities and aiding in identifying perpetrators.

He concludes, “CCTV systems, whether digital or analogue, each offer benefits and drawbacks. Selecting the correct system can be difficult, so it’s important to do your homework and pick a company that has the best expertise, carefully trains its employees, and has the newest designs and can assist you along the way. Although this may be more expensive, it’s better to avoid going with the less expensive option that could end up costing much more if properties are broken into later.”

Chris also highlights the importance of system maintenance: “Every part of a protective system is brand-new and fully functional when it is installed. The components of an alarm may wear out with time and frequent use. When this occurs, safety issues may also surface in addition to the alarm’s decreased effectiveness. This is the reason why maintaining systems is crucial for both financial and safety reasons. This can also be accomplished through the business you chose; NSW UK has the best-trained personnel to install and support your alarms and systems in addition to providing ongoing maintenance.”

More information about NSW UK’s CCTV and tech services can be found here.

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