Exomindset Collaborates with Slingr to Provide Low-Code Laboratory Solutions

Exomindset has announced a collaboration with the low-code software development platform Slingr to enhance its software development services, targeting a broader range of laboratories with flexible, cost-effective solutions.

Exomindset is renowned for its exceptional service and has assisted numerous clients in expediting their software development processes. This partnership will grant Exomindset exclusive access to the Slingr low-code platform, enabling quicker deployment within the Exomindset organisation and improved service outcomes across a diverse array of client projects.

“Like Slingr, our primary goal is to offer solutions accelerating market entry and boosting business efficiency. Our technology firms have successfully learned how to complement each other, enhancing our value proposition to effectively meet businesses’ growing needs in digital transformation and data analytics,” said Eduardo Coll, CEO of Exomindset.

Slingr’s low-code platform has become a prominent solution in the laboratory software industry, particularly within the cannabis testing sector. Operating under the name Slingr Labs, Slingr provides a subscription-based low-code platform along with bespoke software development services. Clients in rapidly changing or complex business environments, such as cannabis laboratories, have benefitted immensely from the adaptability and swift build times enabled by Slingr’s low-code approach.

Exomindset commenced work on its first project utilising Slingr in early May. They are currently developing a LIMS system for a major cannabis testing centre, which will deliver a fully automated LIMS integrated with a customer portal system, anticipated to be completed ahead of schedule.

“Exomindset has significant software development experience, which will play a crucial role in expanding our operations and making our platform available to a larger clientele,” said Slingr CEO Grace Schroeder. “The collaboration will allow Exomindset to deliver incredible projects for their clients and start the long process of setting a higher bar for third-party developers.”

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