Kent County Council Offers £100 Supermarket Vouchers to Aid Brits Amid Cost of Living Crisis

Kent County Council has launched a scheme to support struggling residents amid the ongoing cost of living crisis in the UK. The council is offering £100 supermarket vouchers to local families and households facing financial difficulties. The initiative is designed for families who receive means-tested benefits or households with an income before tax of less than £40,000. The vouchers can be used at selected supermarkets and aim to assist those who might not qualify for other forms of support.

The application process involves submitting an application to the local authority, and successful applicants will receive a code within 10 working days to access the voucher. Recipients will have 31 days to redeem the £100 voucher, helping them purchase essential food items. The scheme is part of the council’s efforts to ensure that no one in the region is left behind due to the challenging economic circumstances.

The scheme is open until September 14th and is funded by the Government. Kent County Council’s leader, Roger Gough, emphasized that the initiative aims to provide support to those who might not be aware of the available assistance or believe they don’t qualify for it. The rising cost of living has impacted many families, and the council hopes to reach those who are most in need but may not meet other eligibility criteria for assistance.

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