Unfazed Pilot Continues Flying After Massive Bird Crashes into Cockpit

In a remarkable display of composure, a blood-splattered pilot remained calm and continued flying after a large bird collided with his plane and dangled in the cockpit.

Ariel Valiente was conducting fumigation operations over a local farm when what is believed to be a condor smashed through the aircraft’s window. Covered in blood, Ariel bravely carried on with his work and safely landed the plane.

Video footage captured the bird’s thick legs dangling from the shattered window as the heroic pilot maintained control of the aircraft. Unfortunately, the bird did not survive the impact.

The incident occurred in Vinces, a town southwest of the capital Quito, Ecuador, on June 14th, while Ariel was flying the Thrush 510P aircraft with 400 gallons of fumigant on board.

Speaking to Aviación Ecuador, Ariel explained that the bird collided with his plane approximately two minutes after takeoff. Despite the unsettling situation and the added challenge of carrying a significant amount of chemicals, he successfully completed his fumigation task on schedule.

The pilot skillfully managed to land the plane after the incident, attending to the animal’s carcass and assessing the damage to the cockpit. The exact altitude at which the bird struck the cockpit window is yet to be determined by aviation authorities.

The video of the incident quickly went viral on social media platforms, garnering hundreds of thousands of views. Many viewers praised the pilot’s calm demeanor, with one comment describing him as “badass” and another noting that Ecuador is home to the impressive Andean Condor.

While the pilot’s safety was ensured, some expressed sympathy for the bird, acknowledging the unfortunate outcome of the collision.

This incident serves as a testament to the professionalism and quick thinking of pilots like Ariel Valiente, who bravely handle unexpected situations in the skies.

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