Twitter’s Rebrand as ‘X’ Faces Mockery on Social Media

Twitter’s recent rebranding as ‘X’ has sparked a wave of savage mockery from users who claim the new name sounds more fitting for a certain type of website than a social media platform, leaving some feeling “dirty.”

Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, announced the change, replacing the famous bird logo with a simple X symbol. The new logo, featuring a white X on a black background, now adorns the top of the site and mobile app. However, fans and users were left perplexed, and the rebranding has led to some rather saucy jokes and comparisons.

Many users jokingly suggested that the new name and logo make Twitter appear more like a “gay sex club” or a “porn studio.” Some even humorously claimed that they might consider leaving the app due to its racy new look.

One user, Lewis, expressed their farewell to Twitter, stating that the new “X” name and logo give off certain associations that make them uncomfortable. Another user agreed, sharing similar thoughts about the connotations of the letter “X.”

The comparisons and jokes continued, with users likening the new Twitter to an “Adult Chat” channel or an “exclusive nightclub for the rich vibe.”

Raven James quipped about the logo’s resemblance to certain adult entertainment platforms, while Jules Serkin simply found the rebranding “horrid.”

Elon Musk even shared an image of the minimalistic logo displayed on the Twitter headquarters building on 24th July, further promoting the rebrand.

While the rebranding might have elicited some laughs and cheeky remarks, it remains to be seen how users will adapt to the new look and feel of ‘X’. As Twitter evolves, one thing is for sure – users will always have something to say about it.

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