Explorer Encourages Kids to Embrace Outdoor Adventures and Learn from Risks

Renowned explorer Chris Brown is on a mission to inspire children to step away from screens and experience the world firsthand, urging parents not to eliminate all risk elements from their lives. The 61-year-old father of two, based in Harrogate, believes that younger generations must explore the outdoors and develop their sense of adventure.

Chris asserts that children today are often sheltered from risk, which can inhibit their personal growth and learning experiences. He encourages kids to get outside and engage with the world, even if it means taking a few risks.

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Chris, also a tech entrepreneur, is known for his ambitious quest to visit all seven of the planet’s poles of inaccessibility, having already conquered five. He is set to collaborate with Max Woosey, known as the “Boy in the Tent,” on a mission to locate the geographic centre of Wales.

Reflecting on the changing attitudes toward risk and adventure, Chris said, “When I was a kid, we used to climb trees and occasionally fall out. Now, adults are stopping their children from climbing trees, fearing they might fall. But to me, that’s part of growing up and learning. You learn what you can do through trial and error. You might get hurt occasionally, but you learn how and when to take risks.”

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Chris emphasizes that taking risks is essential to personal development and learning. He advises that individuals don’t have to start with extreme risks but can engage in low-risk activities such as exploring their local surroundings.

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For example, Chris identified the centre of Yorkshire in a grass field near an old fishing pond west of the village of Hessay, near York. He encourages people to explore their surroundings and find points of inaccessibility or other unique locations of interest.

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Chris’s adventures and explorations are documented on his TikTok channel (@chrisbrownexplores) and his websites, inaccessibility.net and brown.co.uk. His message to children and parents alike is to embrace the spirit of adventure, explore the world around them, and not be afraid to take calculated risks for personal growth and learning.


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