Premier Medicinal Cannabis Clinic in Birmingham

In November 2018, the United Kingdom made a significant stride by legalising the prescription of  by registered clinicians specialising in the field. This legislative reform has paved the way for an exponential increase in granted prescriptions and the establishment of specialty clinics offering expertise in prescribing medicinal cannabis. Remarkably, the number of active medical cannabis users in the UK, which stood at less than 250 by the end of 2019, is projected to surpass 500,000 by 2024.

Situated within The Vesey Private Hospital, the Birmingham Cannabis Clinic operates under the regulatory oversight of the CQC (Care Quality Commission). Its primary objective is to provide access to medicinal cannabis as a treatment option for various conditions, including Anxiety, PTSD, Dermatological Conditions, Chronic Pain, and Epilepsy, after conventional treatments have been explored.

To ensure a streamlined process, patients have the convenience of scheduling a free eligibility appointment with a general practitioner either in person or via video conference. This initial assessment helps determine whether medicinal cannabis is a suitable option for their specific needs.

The clinic’s team conducts a thorough review of each patient’s medical history, and if the expert opinion deems medicinal cannabis appropriate, the patient is invited to the clinic for a detailed discussion on treatment plans with a consultant. In the event that medicinal cannabis is not considered the best course of action, the clinic’s general practitioners explore alternative medical treatments, guaranteeing comprehensive care for all patients.

What sets the Birmingham Cannabis Clinic apart is its holistic approach to health and well-being. They have implemented a secure and comprehensive patient journey that involves both a general practitioner and a consultant assessing patient eligibility for treatment—a unique practice in the UK. Additionally, the clinic offers well-being sessions within the hospital, encompassing activities such as yoga, massage, and mindfulness.

As part of their commitment to quality and progress in the field, the clinic contributes clinical data to the UK Cannabis Register for audit and governance purposes, further advancing the use of medicinal cannabis products in the country.

Crucially, the clinic provides a network of support personnel who assist patients in maximising the benefits of their prescribed treatments and offer guidance and aid in navigating any challenges or concerns that may arise during the course of treatment.

Ben Royal, the Registered Manager, stated, “When we established The Vesey Private Hospital, our vision was to deliver exceptional care and cutting-edge treatments that are more cost-effective and accessible compared to traditional private healthcare. Furthermore, we aimed to create safe, effective, and well-led patient journeys underpinned by robust governance.”

Medicinal cannabis is a rapidly expanding field in the UK, and the Birmingham Cannabis Clinic takes pride in providing the West Midlands population with face-to-face access to experts who can thoroughly discuss the risks and benefits associated with this treatment option.

Patients interested in this service can make inquiries through the following channels: Telephone: 0121 387 3727 Email: Or book a free eligibility consultation with a general practitioner by clicking the link and selecting GP services.

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