Number Plate Cloning: A Burden Costing UK Motorists Millions

Number plate cloning has become a rampant issue across the UK, inflicting fines on numerous innocent drivers, caution experts in the field.

Plates4less, a division of VRM Swansea, has raised the alarm after receiving a staggering 50 calls per week from drivers who have fallen victim to plate-cloning criminals, resulting in fines and legal repercussions.

These clones enable criminals to engage in fuel theft, gain unauthorised access to congestion zones, avoid speeding tickets, and evade accountability for their unlawful activities.

Antony Clark, the Marketing Manager at Plates4less, shared, “We have been inundated with calls from drivers. There has been a massive increase in number plate cloning over the last two years. We are getting between 50 and 100 calls every single week from car owners who want to get personalised number plates in a bid to disassociate themselves from the cloned registration mark.”

To address this distressing situation, Plates4less offers an affordable solution in the form of cover plates, allowing people to change their vehicle’s registration mark with a non-personalised combination.

Dealing with multiple fines issued by different enforcement agencies can be a time-consuming and exasperating process for car owners. Many are now opting to change their plates as a cost-effective and swift means of resolving the problem.

Plates4less, situated in Swansea, is dedicated to assisting clients from the UK and Northern Ireland in purchasing and selling private plates.

Antony added, “There are a lot of unscrupulous companies and individuals when it comes to manufacturing and selling number plates, and many of them operate on selling sites like Amazon, eBay, and Facebook. They don’t verify if the buyer has the legal right to have a set of plates made, which is now a legal requirement designed to assist law enforcement agencies. With over 25 years of experience in this industry, our customers return to us because they know they can trust us to look after them, time and again.”

He emphasised that there’s no pressure to buy with Plates4less, as their primary focus is on solving problems and going the extra mile to assist customers, especially after they have been targeted by criminals, an ordeal that can be distressing for anyone.

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