UntieAI: Breaking Boundaries, Building Futures, and Nurturing Innovation in ML Research

“Through great international collaboration among scientists, the company had already published noteworthy research papers in high-profile journals before its first anniversary,” stated Maher Ali Rusho, Head of AI Research Lab.

Originally established as a Canadian research-based AI and software company, UntieAI aims to advance technology and artificial intelligence. In addition to research support and AI product development, they also offer WebAI services, AI consulting, and a variety of other services.

However, the company’s growth analyst notes that over 70% of their clients prefer research collaboration support over other technological services. Leading the way in machine learning research, they boast an exceptional customer satisfaction rate.

Under the leadership and global representation of Maher Ali Rusho and Co-head of the lab Mehadi Hasan Bijoy, the company’s AI Research Lab has published over 15 articles in international journals to date; the majority of which are listed in Scopus Q1/Q2. Prominent publishers include IEEE, Springer, MDPI, and Elsevier. They also hold a combination of 7 Indian and UK patents.

Research associates who collaborate on multiple research projects benefit not only from their experience but also from contractual employment opportunities as assistant research consultants, as revealed by Mohammad Nazrul Islam.

Another intriguing development within the UntieAI Research Hub is its focus on interdisciplinary research using AI collaboration. For instance, consider the UntieAI Digital Archaeology Lab, led by Md. Nazmul Hassan, a graduate of Comilla University. Under his successful leadership, the team received acceptance at the International Conference on the Relevance and Role of Digitisation Technologies, organised by Sétif 1 University Ferhat Abbas. They collaborated with ICOMOS and also registered their Lab Project “Pioneering the Field of Digital Archaeology in Bangladesh” through Open Science Framework (OSF).

In summary, Maher Ali Rusho and Majed Al Nowab’s company is experiencing exponential growth within the scientific community.

Visit their website: untieai.ca, to find more opportunities and make a global impact.

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