‘Sichuanese’ Agro-products Gain Popularity in Hong Kong Through Co-operative Initiative

Queue up to take pictures with the beloved panda-shaped interactive device, gather around the stalls and sample “Sichuanese” speciality agro-products, and seize the chance to experience “BaBaTea”.

‘Sichuanese’ speciality agro-products are becoming increasingly popular in Hong Kong thanks to a successful event.

The event, ‘See the Spectacular and Kaleidoscopic China’—Victoria Park Celebrate the Return of Hong Kong, commenced in Victoria Park on 29th June. Since its opening, it has attracted thousands of visitors.

The exhibition, organised by the Sichuan Provincial Supply and Marketing Co-operative, spans a total area of 700 square metres. With the theme “Come to Sichuan, Live a Comfortable Life”, it features four main sections: the “Sichuanese” speciality agro-products display area, the creative and interactive photo-taking area, the relaxation area, and the tea-break area.

Attendees can immerse themselves in culture with a variety of experiences and food options available. The exhibition showcases over 200 types of “Sichuanese” speciality agro-products, drawing numerous Hong Kong citizens to taste and purchase. Numbing, spicy, savoury, and aromatic are just a few of the Sichuan flavours that have won over many fans!

With traditional furniture on display, such as a bamboo table and chair and a Gaiwan (covered bowl) tea set, attendees can feel as though they are strolling through the streets of Sichuan.

With folk music playing throughout, guests can fully appreciate the unique charm of “BaBaTea” culture and Sichuan’s relaxed and leisurely lifestyle.

During the event, the Sichuan Provincial Supply and Marketing Co-operative is also working actively to expand global cooperation. By engaging with buyers, retailers, and e-commerce platforms from around the world, several cooperative agreements have already been reached.

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