A cherished pensioner cat has peacefully passed away at the remarkable age of 28, equivalent to approximately 133 cat years.
Stupsi, who was nearing her 29th birthday, left this world on June 26th, leaving her owner, Marina Tackovic, heartbroken. Tackovic shared the news on Stupsi’s dedicated Instagram page, saying, “This is my last post. My heart stopped beating today. It went downhill very quickly, and now I’m free with my friends. A long, wonderful life has passed, filled with love, pain, fun, and sorrow. At almost 29 years old, I can go back to being a kitten again without suffering and discomfort. Here’s to a new one.”
Residing in Upper Bavaria, Germany, Stupsi spent her final weeks at Tackovic’s parent’s farm, where she enjoyed ample space and even had her own bedroom. In her last days, Stupsi struggled to stand on her own, a sign of her old age.
Tackovic fondly remembers Stupsi as a cat who adored cuddles and craved attention. She was a beloved companion throughout her long and vibrant life.
While Stupsi holds the title of one of Germany’s oldest cats and one of the world’s oldest felines, there have been several other remarkable cases of cats surpassing her age. Lucy from South Wales lived a remarkable 40 years before passing away in 2012, and Creme Puff, who lived in Texas, USA, reached the age of 38 before her passing in 2005.
Currently, Lila Brissett from Norwich is awaiting confirmation from Guinness World Records about her cat Rosie, who is believed to be the oldest cat in the world at the age of 32. Guinness World Records currently recognizes Flossie from the UK as the oldest living cat at 27 years.
Although Stupsi may no longer be with us, her memory will live on, reminding us of the joy and love that our furry companions bring into our lives.