Young Woman Dies After Consuming Chocolate Gifted by Palm Reader Who Predicted Her Imminent Death

A tragic incident unfolded when a young mother, Fernanda Silva Valoz da Cruz Pinto, passed away after consuming a chocolate allegedly given to her by a palm reader who had predicted her impending demise. The encounter took place as Fernanda was walking down the street in downtown Maceió, northeastern Brazil.

The palm reader approached the 27-year-old and requested to read her palm, to which Fernanda reluctantly agreed. Such encounters with fortune-telling individuals were reportedly common in the area.

During the palm reading, the woman purportedly foretold that Fernanda had only “a few days to live” and, before leaving, placed a chocolate in her hand.

Soon after consuming the chocolate, Fernanda began experiencing severe stomach pains, nausea, vomiting, nosebleeds, and excessive salivation. Due to her pre-existing stomach conditions, including ulcers and gastritis, her family did not initially suspect foul play.

Fernanda was rushed to the hospital but tragically passed away early the following morning. While the incident occurred on August 3, the toxicological examination report only recently confirmed that Fernanda died from poisoning.

The report revealed a “high concentration” of the substances Sulfotep and Terbufos in her body, both of which are easily accessible in Brazil. Sulfotep, also known as TEDP, is a pesticide commonly used in greenhouses as a fumigant, while Terbufos is a chemical compound found in insecticides and nematicides.

In the hours leading up to her death, Fernanda informed her family about the incident through text messages, detailing her symptoms and expressing her confusion over her sudden illness. She explained that she had accepted the chocolate because it appeared well-sealed, not expecting any harm.

Fernanda’s family reported the alleged palm reader to the police, who are actively investigating the case. One line of inquiry is whether the suspect may have been hired by someone else to carry out the poisoning. However, relatives assert that Fernanda had no known enemies.

Lumenita Valoz, Fernanda’s cousin, stated, “Her life was to take care of her daughter. I don’t see anyone having a reason to do this to her, but we don’t know what’s in anyone’s heart. Whether it was someone who ordered her to be killed or if the woman did it because she wanted to, only the police will find out.”

The investigation remains ongoing as authorities work to identify the suspect and determine the exact circumstances surrounding Fernanda’s tragic death.

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