Unusual Naked Figure Spotted on Google Street View Revealed to Be a Scarecrow

Google Street View has captured an odd sight – a naked creature with long, floppy arms seen running across a field. This peculiar figure was observed near the Bears Ears Visitor Center in Buff, southeast of Salt Lake City, Utah, in the United States.

The creature, appearing nude and with elongated limbs, was seen on a remote road, leading to much speculation and intrigue among online communities. However, the true nature of this seemingly strange entity turned out to be less mysterious than initially thought.

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Upon closer investigation, it was revealed that the figure was a farm scarecrow. This type of scarecrow is commonly used to keep away animals and deter curious onlookers. The town is known for its unusual and whimsical scarecrows.

In a related but distinct event earlier this year, a ‘radioactive mutant’ was reportedly seen on Google Street View in the abandoned fairground of Chornobyl. The Chernobyl nuclear disaster, which occurred in April 1986, led to the evacuation of tens of thousands of people, primarily from the nearby city of Pripyat in northern Ukraine. Today, Pripyat is a deserted ‘ghost town’ within the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.

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The Chornobyl sighting was brought to public attention by TikTok user ‘Arianleonel’, who posted a video of himself exploring Pripyat on Google Maps. In the video, he navigates around the fairground and comes across something unexpected near the old Ferris wheel. Zooming in, he reveals a person in a purple jacket hidden behind a tree.

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