Tragic Loss: Young Woman, 23, Fatally Struck by Beer Bottle Outside Football Stadium

A devastating incident occurred outside a football stadium, leading to the untimely demise of a 23-year-old female football enthusiast.

Gabriela Anelli Marchiano suffered a severe neck injury, including a severed artery, after being struck by a beer bottle.

Despite immediate medical attention at a nearby hospital, Gabriela could not be saved.

The tragic incident took place on the morning of July 10th.

Two days earlier, Gabriela attended the Allianz Parque stadium in São Paulo, Brazil, to support her beloved team Palmeiras in their match against Flamengo.

While waiting outside the stadium before the game commenced, a clash erupted between home fans and rival supporters.

Law enforcement intervened and resorted to using tear gas to disperse the fighting crowds.

In the midst of the chaotic situation, a glass bottle was hurled, tragically hitting Gabriela.

She was swiftly transported to a nearby hospital via ambulance for emergency treatment.

A day prior to her passing, a spokesperson from the Palmeiras supporters’ association stated, “A confrontation occurred outside the Allianz before yesterday’s match. Gabriela was struck in the neck by shards of a bottle, severing an artery.”

“She underwent surgery and requires an urgent blood donation,” the spokesperson added.

Following Gabriela’s passing, a spokesperson from Palmeiras football club expressed deep sorrow, saying, “We deeply mourn the loss of Gabriela Anelli, a fan who was struck by a bottle near Allianz Parque before the match against Flamengo on Saturday.”

“It is unacceptable that a 23-year-old woman falls victim to such brutality in an environment meant for entertainment,” the spokesperson continued.

Gabriela had previously undergone heart, kidney, and lung surgeries during her childhood, displaying her resilient spirit, according to her family.

Her mother, Dilcilene dos Santos, expressed the pain of their loss, stating, “They took our little girl away from us. Palmeiras was her life, her joy, and the fans were her friends.”

“Gabriela was always the light in my life, my little girl, a fighter since she was young, battling health problems. She fought until her final moments in the ICU,” Dos Santos added.

Her father, Ettore Marchiano, overwhelmed with grief, said, “Words fail us at this moment. We never left the house with the thought that she would never return.”

Gabriela’s brother, Felipe Marchiano, revealed that she frequently attended home matches with both their parents.

Expressing the immeasurable pain felt by the family, Gabriela’s cousin, Mariana Anelli, said, “The anguish our family is experiencing is indescribable. It is difficult to comprehend the amount of cruelty in this world and the flawed justice system in Brazil.”

A 26-year-old man has been arrested in connection with the incident.

Although he admitted to throwing the bottle, he denied intending to hit the victim.

The investigation is ongoing, and he remains in custody as a preventive measure.

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