Manchester Physician Recognized as NHS Advocate by Secretary of Health

Distinguished primary care practitioner, Dr Salman Shahid, hailing from Greater Manchester, has been designated as the Local NHS Advocate by the Secretary of Health.

Dr Shahid, a Middleton Rochdale Borough general practitioner and Associate Medical Director of the Heywood, Middleton, and Rochdale Integrated Care Partnership, received this esteemed recognition at an exclusive event held last week at 10 Downing Street, presided over by Steve Barclay MP, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care.

The commendation to acknowledge Dr Shahid’s outstanding contributions was put forth by Chris Clarkson, Member of Parliament for Heywood and Middleton, who has closely collaborated with Dr Shahid on numerous initiatives within the region. Impressed by Dr Shahid’s accomplishments, Mr Clarkson sought to highlight them on the parliamentary stage.

On the occasion of bestowing this special accolade, Health Secretary Steve Barclay declared: “The NHS has undergone significant transformations over the past 75 years. Today, patients face an 80% reduced risk of mortality from cardiovascular ailments compared to 1948. The NHS workforce has grown from 144,000 members of staff back then to a staggering 1.4 million today. Its budget has also witnessed remarkable growth, from £11 billion in 1948 to well over £180 billion. Nevertheless, two elements have remained unaltered: the exceptional staff who deliver exemplary care to patients and the principle of free healthcare access. Today, we gather to celebrate these enduring principles.”

Dr Salman Shahid serves as a general practitioner in Middleton, actively advocating for an integrated model of healthcare and social services. Together with his team, Dr Shahid has been proactively engaging with community and voluntary organisations at the grassroots level to address the challenges of poverty, social isolation, loneliness, and deprivation.

Expressing his gratitude, Dr Shahid remarked, “I am deeply honored by this distinction and extend my heartfelt appreciation to Mr Clarkson and the Government. However, it is essential to emphasise that this recognition is a testament to the collaborative efforts of the dedicated professionals in Heywood, Middleton, and Rochdale, who tirelessly strive to improve the well-being of our borough’s residents.”

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