Long-Overdue Book Rediscovered and Returned to Library After 90 Years

In a remarkable turn of events, an egregiously overdue book has finally found its way back to a local library nearly nine decades after it was last borrowed.

The book in question, ‘Youth and Two Other Stories’ penned by the esteemed Joseph Conrad, had been checked out of the library’s collection in 1933. At that time, George V occupied the British throne. At the same time, Franklin D. Roosevelt served as the President of the United States.

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The official due date for the book’s return was set for the 11th of October of that same year. However, fate took an unforeseen turn, causing the book to vanish from the library’s records for nearly a century.

The unexpected reunion with this literary relic occurred when resident Joanie Morgan stumbled upon the book while sorting through her stepfather’s personal effects. In a heartwarming act of restoration, she promptly dispatched the long-lost book to the Larchmont Public Library near New York in the United States just last month.

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Upon inspecting the overdue book’s condition, library staff members contemplated the substantial fine that could have accrued over the years. At a daily rate of 20 cents, one might think the late fee could have amassed an astounding $6,400 (£5,247). However, it is essential to note that the library’s policies cap all overdue fines at a maximum of $5 (£4.10).

A spokesperson for the library affirmed, “While it may appear that the fine could have spiralled to an outrageous $6,400 at 20 cents per day, the reality is quite different. Regardless of how extensive the overdue period, the maximum penalty for a tardy Larchmont Public Library book remains a modest five dollars.”

This heartening tale of a long-lost literary treasure’s homecoming has resonated deeply with the local community. One resident enthusiastically commented, “What an incredible story!”

Denise exclaimed, “Wow!”

Karen reminisced, “Oh, how my mother and older sister used to bicker over her overdue library books at Larchmont Library. The fine was a mere $.02 a day. My sister’s standard reply was always, ‘I’m waiting for a day of amnesty.'”

Heather chimed in, “A heartwarming and charming story!”

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Earlier this year, another astonishing book-related incident occurred when a book was returned to a U.S. library 120 years past its due date. ‘An Elementary Treatise on Electricity’ authored by James Clerk Maxwell had been borrowed back in 1903. This remarkable book was eventually discovered by Stewart Plein, the Curator of Rare Books and Printed Resources at the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, who conscientiously returned it to its rightful home at the New Bedford Free Public Library in Massachusetts.

The New Bedford librarian, Jodi Goodman, expressed her astonishment, stating, “It’s indeed a rare occurrence to receive a book back after a century of absence from our shelves.”


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