Baby Wallaby Survives Car Collision at High Speed, Emerges Unscathed from 45-Minute Grille Journey

In a remarkable turn of events, a baby wallaby managed to survive a car collision at a speed exceeding 60mph, enduring a 45-minute journey trapped within the front grille.

Following the impact, the tiny joey was propelled into the vehicle’s engine bay, unexpectedly embarking on an unintended adventure.

The car was traveling at 62mph (100 kph) when the incident occurred.

Despite the circumstances, the adorable creature emerged unharmed from the crash, which took place in Hawkesdale, located west of Melbourne, Australia.

Once the driver noticed the unusual stowaway, they promptly contacted the Hamilton Wildlife Shelter for assistance.

The rescue team expressed gratitude towards the driver for seeking help rather than releasing the joey into the wild.

Currently, the baby wallaby resides within an enclosure until it reaches an appropriate age to be released into the Grampians bushland.

A spokesperson from the Hamilton Wildlife Shelter recounted the experience, saying, “I received a call regarding a wallaby trapped in a car grille. Initially described as small, I was pleasantly surprised upon arrival to discover it was, in fact, a joey.”

“This joey had been struck at a speed of 100kph, passing through the grille and finding itself in the engine bay, looking utterly bewildered,” the spokesperson continued.

“After carefully extracting the little one, I brought it home for assessment. Weighing a mere 3kg, to my absolute astonishment, there wasn’t a single scratch on the joey. No broken bones, not even a minor injury, despite the impact at 100kmph. How remarkable!”

The spokesperson further explained, “Initially, my plan was to keep the joey for an extended period, for observation and because it was too young to be released. However, a 3kg wallaby joey is inherently wild and untamed, displaying an unyielding resistance to captivity.”

“At present, the joey has been relocated to a secure enclosure, offering protection from foxes and providing an environment in which it can grow. Once it reaches an appropriate size, it will be released into the splendid Grampian bushland,” the spokesperson added.

Taking this opportunity to raise awareness, the spokesperson emphasized the importance of stopping immediately to check if an animal has been hit in the event of a collision.

The spokesperson expressed gratitude towards the public for promptly seeking assistance rather than attempting to free the joey without professional aid, highlighting the emotional distress it would have endured during its 45-minute engine bay odyssey.

“While the joey may be wild, it is now safe and well-cared for. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the individuals who contacted us for assistance. Their actions ensured the joey’s safety and provided the necessary care it requires,” the spokesperson concluded.

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