Ensure Safe Viewing for Hawaii’s 2nd October Annular Eclipse

With excitement building for the annular solar eclipse on 2nd October 2024, Eclipse Optics is dedicated to ensuring that observers enjoy this extraordinary event in a safe manner.

As a leading supplier of ISO-compliant solar eclipse glasses, Eclipse Optics stresses the importance of the ISO 12312-2:2015 standard, which is essential for guaranteeing the safety and effectiveness of its products, as well as other certified eclipse glasses.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 12312-2:2015 outlines the safety requirements for viewing the sun directly, providing protection for those interested in observing solar eclipses or sunspots. This standard covers crucial safety factors such as optical density, solar radiation transmission, and the specifications for filters used in glasses designed for direct solar observation.

Eclipse Optics’ glasses are thoroughly tested and certified to meet ISO 12312-2:2015 standards. This ensures they reduce the sun’s brightness, known as luminosity, to a safe and comfortable level, block harmful ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) rays, and protect eyes from potential damage while offering a clear and enjoyable eclipse-viewing experience.

As the 2nd October annular eclipse nears, it is essential for viewers to use only ISO-certified eclipse glasses. Non-compliant glasses can result in serious eye damage, such as solar retinopathy, caused by insufficient protection from both visible light and invisible solar radiation. Although not life-threatening, this condition can leave permanent blotches in one’s vision.

The problem is further complicated by the fact that some online retailers falsely advertise their products as ISO-compliant. Proper ISO test results should be readily accessible and should have been conducted in an accredited US lab.

Moreover, these results should display quantitative values for luminosity, UV, and IR performance, showing precise measurements. Customers should be wary of results that only indicate a “pass” or “fail,” as they don’t reveal whether the glasses are performing at the high or low end of the safe range.

Eclipse Optics also advises customers to consult the American Astronomical Society’s (AAS) list of approved eclipse glasses vendors. All vendors on the AAS list have met stringent safety standards, and buyers should avoid purchasing from those not on the list.

Proud of its commitment to safety, Eclipse Optics encourages educators, astronomy clubs, and the public to prepare for the upcoming eclipse by securing their ISO 12312-2:2015-compliant glasses in advance.

In May 2024, Eclipse Optics, formerly known as Eclipse Glasses USA, donated 2,000 pairs of ISO-certified eclipse glasses to the University of Hawaii in preparation for the 2nd October eclipse.

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