Woman Quits Job and Embraces Nomadic Life in Tesla with Two Pets

A woman’s inspiring journey of leaving her job and adopting a nomadic lifestyle by residing in a Tesla with her beloved pets has captured attention.

Stephanie Virovec, hailing from Canada, chose to embark on a nomadic lifestyle after parting ways with her partner in the US. Leaving behind her hometown in Alberta, Stephanie bid farewell to her job as a shop assistant at Costco, sold her condo, and decided to make a home in her 2020 long-range Tesla, accompanied by her rescue cat, Finley (four years old), and her dog, Snow (two years old).

For the past year, Stephanie has been traversing the continent in her Tesla, resulting in savings of $2,000 per month. Originally, the car belonged to her ex-partner, who kindly gifted it to her to facilitate her road trip back to Canada after their breakup.

Stephanie, a content creator, shared her motivations for embracing this lifestyle: “I decided to go live while I could, instead of sitting in my condo afraid of everything! I had been watching the van lifers online for a few years, so I decided to get out and try it.”

March 2022 marked the beginning of Stephanie’s journey, during which her car did not require any significant modifications to become her new home. Currently, she has plans to enhance the car’s interior space by removing the backseats and potentially installing a lift kit. However, for now, her setup involves keeping the backseats folded down, with a mattress on top.

Stephanie’s life on the road varies each day, as she and her pets explore different locations, often utilizing car parks, campsites, or roadside stops for rest. She has traveled across numerous states, including Montana, Washington, Idaho, Utah, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Arizona, and is presently exploring British Columbia.

Living in the Tesla has reduced Stephanie’s monthly expenses to $1,500 (£1,177) from the $3,500 (£2,748) she used to spend on her Canadian condo. The money now covers occasional parking, campsite fees, phone bills, and food.

Stephanie’s days involve leisurely activities with her pets, from walks to spending time in coffee shops, working out, and connecting with nature. She skillfully manages daily tasks such as showering and cooking by utilizing public restrooms, gym facilities, and portable cooking equipment. Stephanie’s journey continues without a concrete destination, as she embraces the freedom of the open road and remains open to whatever the future holds.

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