The Hidden Costs of Traffic Violations – Insurance, Jobs, and More

In the USA alone, almost 41 million drivers receive speeding tickets yearly. Speeding is undoubtedly one of the most common traffic violations in the country. Countless more traffic violations happen every day that get drivers into constant trouble.

Even though drivers are well aware of the consequences of getting a traffic ticket, there is much more to these consequences. Some hidden costs or consequences can exist around traffic violations.

It is crucial to properly understand these hidden costs to keep yourself out of trouble. A proper knowledge of the potential repercussions of traffic tickets will make you realize that it is always ideal to get a reputed speeding ticket lawyer, like Missouri Traffic Tickets, to assist you in handling the speeding tickets.

The Hidden Costs of Traffic Violations: Quick Glance

Here is a glance at the less explored and exposed costs around traffic violations.

  1. Increase in Auto Insurance Premiums
  2. Increase in Life Insurance Premiums
  3. Cost of Fighting the Traffic Ticket
  4. Fees of Attending Driving School
  5. Cost of A Lost Job or Lost Job Opportunity
  6. Cost of Credit Problems

The Hidden Costs of Traffic Violations: In-Detail

1. Increase in Auto Insurance Premiums

Auto insurance premiums are payments you are supposed to make monthly to keep insurance coverage for your vehicle. The premiums of each vehicle insurance can vary as per various parameters. But the common thing for all auto insurance is that the premiums increase whenever you get into traffic violations.

This happens because, when you get a traffic ticket, the insurance provider comes into the assumption that the chances of you getting into an accident or damaging the vehicle are getting higher. This makes them ask you for more premiums to get more coverage for your vehicle.

The amount with which the auto insurance premium increases post-traffic ticket can differ for different providers and states. Some insurance providers let it go when the user gets into a single traffic. They only increase the premium if the user commits a traffic violation more than once.

So, it is ideal to consult with your auto insurance provider to know more about the possible premium hikes you may face after committing a traffic violation.

2. Increase in Life Insurance Premiums

Like auto insurance premiums, your life insurance premium can also increase after paying for a traffic ticket. This cannot be a standard feature for all insurance providers. However, most insurance providers consider accidents a chief cause of death.

So, when they find out that one of their subscribers has gotten into traffic violations, they consider the user a high-risk case. So, they will have to charge the user high for the potential loss they may face.

When you commit repeated traffic violations, the risk around your life insurance provider increases significantly. This can cause a significant hike in the life insurance premiums.

3. Cost of Fighting the Traffic Ticket

If the traffic violation is severe, it might not be easy for the driver to escape it by simply paying the ticket. They may have to participate in court proceedings and pay various fees.

The cost of fighting a traffic ticket includes court costs, legal fees, traveling expenses, and many more. All of these are extra to the amount you may have to pay to resolve your ticket.

4. Fees of Attending Driving School

During the proceedings of some traffic violation cases, the judge may offer a solution to get the ticket deleted from the driver’s driving records. For that, the driver must attend a driving school to re-learn how to drive responsibly.

Although paying the ticket seems much easier than joining a driving school, a traffic ticket can always leave a bad mark on your driving records. Taking a driving school class can relieve you of the ticket, which relieves you from negatively impacting your insurance premiums or credit scores.

Attending a driving school can be a costly affair. The driver may have to pay at least a couple hundred dollars to join and finish a driving school course.

5. Cost of A Lost Job or Lost Job Opportunity

The chances are high for traffic violations, especially reckless driving tickets, that affect your current or future job opportunities. If you are currently working as a driver, it is highly possible that you may lose the job. People usually do not prefer to hire drivers with a bad track record.

If you plan to go for job interviews soon, having a poor driving record may not be ideal. A poor driving record can be one deal-breaker because the interviewer might be looking for options to narrow the selections.

6. Cost of Credit Problems

The state must report your traffic ticket to various credit agencies, per the law. So, once you have gotten into a traffic violation, chances are high for your credit score to get hurt. This happens primarily with unpaid traffic tickets.

When you commit repeated traffic violations, your credit score dips further and further down. This will severely affect your ability to take loans, mortgage payments, interest rates, etc.

One solution to this problem is to get your traffic ticket lawyer to look into the situation immediately and send the necessary documents to the credit agency to show them that the tickets are all paid and closed. This may allow you to keep your credit score from hitting rock bottom.

The best way to avoid such hidden costs and repercussions of traffic tickets is to involve an expert lawyer or law firm like Missouri Traffic Tickets. They specialize in dealing with traffic violations and possible consequences. The attorneys at Missouri Traffic Tickets have significant expertise handling traffic violation cases. Clients can even have a free consultation with the firm. For free consultation and effective traffic violation defense, contact Missouri Traffic Tickets at

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