150,000 Eclipse Glasses Donated to Schools in South America and Africa

Eclipse Optics, formerly known as Eclipse Glasses USA, a leading provider of ISO-certified solar eclipse glasses based in Utah, is pleased to announce the successful completion of a major sorting event held last weekend. The event was organised to manage the hundreds of thousands of eclipse glasses donated to Eclipse Optics following the total solar eclipse in April.

The sorting effort was spearheaded by Kobi Bons, who chose this project as the centrepiece of his Eagle Scout initiative. With Kobi’s leadership and vision, the event attracted over 100 community volunteers, all of whom were eager to dedicate their time and effort to a cause that will benefit students worldwide.

Throughout the day, volunteers meticulously sorted, inspected, and packaged the donated eclipse glasses. Thanks to their hard work and precision, 65,000 pairs of ISO-compliant eclipse glasses in excellent condition were salvaged and are now set to be distributed to schools in South America and Africa. This achievement brings the total number of donated glasses to an impressive 150,000 pairs.

These glasses will allow 150,000 students to safely experience upcoming solar eclipses, including those in October of this year, as well as in 2025 and 2026. This initiative not only promotes astronomical education but also encourages a sense of global unity and shared experience.

Eclipse Optics extends its deepest thanks to everyone who donated and participated in this event. Their support has made a substantial difference in bringing the wonders of astronomy to students around the world.

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