UK Space Agency Accelerator Opens Applications for Third Cohort

The UK Space Agency Accelerator has officially launched applications for its highly anticipated third cohorts of the Leo and Geo programmes at the Farnborough Air Show on 22nd July 2024. In partnership with the UK Space Agency, Entrepreneurial Spark, and Exotopic, these new programmes are set to continue building a thriving space ecosystem in the UK.

The Leo and Geo programmes offer exceptional business mentorship, supporting space businesses in their journey towards commercialisation. This has fostered a vibrant and diverse community of startups within the UK space sector, attracting entrepreneurs from adjacent industries into the field.

The Leo programme is tailored for entrepreneurs who already have a proof of concept and are eager to develop a high-growth, scalable space company. Over a dynamic six-month period, successful participants will benefit from in-depth workshops and one-to-one sessions with a team of growth experts. These experts will help refine business models and enhance product strengths, guiding participants towards a sustainable market entry.

The Geo programme provides bespoke support for entrepreneurs with established market traction, who are ready to scale their businesses. During this intensive six-month programme, entrepreneurs and their teams will work closely with commercialisation experts to strategically position their businesses for sustained growth.

The launch of the Leo and Geo programmes coincides with the release of the UK Space Agency Accelerator Interim Impact Report. This report highlights the significant achievements of the UK Space Agency Accelerator in supporting UK space startups. Key outcomes include:

  • 76 UK businesses supported by the programme.
  • £1.38m in funding raised, with an additional £23m in the pipeline.
  • Entrepreneur participation from 11 of the 12 UK regions.
  • 50 new jobs created.
  • 96% of participants leaving with a clear business model.

Mike Stephens, CEO of Entrepreneurial Spark, commented, “This report shows that we are already making a difference; catalysing investment, supporting the commercialisation of new technologies that will deliver mission capabilities, and championing space startups across the whole of the UK. This year, we will do even more to collaborate with adjacent sectors to share talent and opportunities, work even harder on inclusion, and connect even more investors with high-potential space entrepreneurs.”

Through its latest Explore cohort and the upcoming Leo and Geo programmes, the UK Space Agency continues to nurture a vibrant startup ecosystem within the UK’s expanding space sector.

The Leo and Geo programmes present a unique opportunity to join a valuable network, share ideas, and transform your business.

Applications are open until 18th August 2024. Reviews and acceptances occur on a rolling basis, so it is recommended to apply promptly as the cohort is expected to fill up quickly.

Learn more about the Leo programme here:
Learn more about the Geo programme here:

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