Niche Legal Investment Boutique Ventures into Unexplored Territory

Greenpark Global, a distinctive establishment within the burgeoning domain of litigation investment, has made a groundbreaking announcement about its foray into a novel sector, propelled by its remarkable growth trajectory.

Hailing from Dubai, Greenpark Global holds the reins to exclusive legal claims, carving a unique niche within the rapidly evolving arena of litigation investment. The firm has now set its sights on Family Offices, extending an invitation to those seeking to allocate their resources to litigation claims that promise substantial returns. These high-yield legal claims are being facilitated through a novel investment bond, an initiative in collaboration with the esteemed Balqis Capital. Notably, Balqis Capital’s stature is underscored by its presence on the Vienna MTF exchange.

The introduction of the Balqis Capital 10.25% Fixed Income Bond opens doors for investors to align themselves with a partner bearing five years of experience within the litigation funding sector. The alliance between Balqis Capital and Greenpark Global has proven fruitful, as the partnership has facilitated the generation of more than $50 million across numerous projects, boasting a pristine record of zero capital loss throughout this duration.

The timeline ahead for Balqis Capital entails the execution of a diverse portfolio of pre-settlement litigation contracts (advances) over the ensuing six months. Anticipated settlement periods for these investments fall within the window of 12 to 24 months.

The contours of the litigation landscape have experienced substantial expansion in recent times, with projections pointing towards global revenues of $25.8 billion by the year 2030.

Laura Mann, the visionary behind Greenpark Global, expressed, “In the realm of unconventional investments, litigation funding introduces an inventive avenue to bolster returns and enrich an investor’s portfolio.”

She further elucidated, “Over the past half-decade, we have garnered remarkable returns while collaborating with high-net-worth investors. Now, we are poised to broaden our horizons and extend our services to an untapped demographic.”

Mann continued, “This strategic move not only positions us for growth as an organisation, but it also allows us to attract a novel breed of investors who exhibit a penchant for ventures that offer high input and commensurate high-yield litigation claims.”

For those keen to explore the realm of Greenpark Global, a visit to their official site,, serves as a gateway to further insights.

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