Manchester Employer Gives Staff Day Off After Euros Final

MadeByShape, a Brand and Web Design Agency based in Manchester, is offering all employees a day off to enjoy the England v Spain Euro 2024 Final, ensuring they do not have to worry about work the following day.

It’s a rare event for England to reach a final, and this time – it ‘might’ actually be coming home. While the football hasn’t always been beautiful, does it matter if England wins the Euros for the first time? It’s been a long time since we last celebrated a (potential) significant win like this—recalling the World Cup in 1966.

The last time England reached a Euros final was in 2021, and prior to that? Never. So let’s celebrate and savour the moment.

Andy Golpys, Co-Founder of MadeByShape, said: “The majority of our staff will be watching the game, and it’s likely they will have a hangover on Monday. So why not just let them enjoy the night, and not worry about working on Monday? As long as their deadlines don’t get missed and their clients are informed, I think it’s a nice benefit of working at MadeByShape.”

Andy even appeared on Radio 5 Live in 2021 discussing when days off work are appropriate and when they are not. We believe he’s cultivating a great workplace culture, and we support it wholeheartedly.

Kerry Hounslea, Socials Manager of MadeByShape, commented: “I was in the pub, watching the game, and after a few pints of Guinness I messaged Andy asking for the Monday off if we got through that night against the Netherlands. I didn’t expect it to actually work but guess who’s going out Sunday without thinking about work the next morning? Me.”

Do you have Monday 15th July off work? If not, just ask your boss and see what they say.

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