Everton Rock Honoured with Best New Startup Award

Everton Rock, Founder of Merritt Rock and an expert in business acquisitions, has been awarded the Best New Startup award.

The award was presented to Everton at the Branded Retreat organised by Big Business Events, founded by the recognised Forbes Coach Adam Stott.

Everton has successfully turned his financial situation around and is now dedicated to empowering others, especially within the UK’s Black community. His journey from financial instability to acquiring a six-figure business asset portfolio is a testament to resilience, education, and mastering the “language of money.”

Recent statistics show that Black households have a median wealth of £137,000, significantly lower than the national average. Everton is determined to address this disparity by sharing the knowledge and strategies that led to his success, with the aim of empowering others and promoting economic freedom.

Everton’s journey started in 2018, ten years away from retirement, with a pension pot insufficient to support the lifestyle he desired. Despite a decade of military service and years in the satellite broadcasting and digital media industry, Everton found himself with just £17,000 in the bank at age 55.

Everton said: “I realised I had to do something drastic. I couldn’t face the idea of not fulfilling my potential, or worse, proving the naysayers right.”

He set himself a challenge to amass £5 million within five years. Without a clear plan, he immersed himself in learning the mindset and strategies of the wealthy.

He added: “It was like learning a new language. I had to shift from a consumer mindset to that of a capitalist, which was crucial in navigating the financial landscape.”

Everton’s journey was not easy. He cashed in his pension, risking everything with no safety net. He invested thousands in courses, books, and mentors, dedicating 30 hours a week alongside a full-time job to mastering financial analysis, business valuations, negotiation, and leadership. His commitment paid off as he began negotiating multi-million-pound deals, acquiring businesses, and securing a future of generational wealth.

“The experience was transformative,” says Everton. “I’ve learned that anyone can achieve financial success if they commit to understanding how money really works. It’s about more than just making money; it’s about creating lasting wealth and financial freedom.”

Everton is particularly passionate about sharing his journey with the UK’s Black community. “Growing up, I didn’t have a mentor who could teach me the language of money. I want to be that mentor for others now. Financial literacy is a key to breaking cycles of poverty and creating generational wealth, especially in communities that have historically been excluded from these opportunities.”

Reflecting on his journey, Everton added: “I want to show others that it’s possible to rise above any situation. I’ve made it my mission to empower people with the tools they need to succeed, no matter where they start from.”

Today, Everton continues to expand his portfolio, acquiring resilient business assets, and setting an example for others to follow. He remains committed to helping others achieve financial independence and aims to make a lasting impact on the Black community in the UK.

“Success is about more than just numbers in a bank account,” Everton concludes. “It’s about creating a legacy, and I believe that anyone, regardless of their background, can achieve this if they’re willing to put in the work.”

For further information, visit www.merritt-rock.com

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