In a groundbreaking move, The British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA) has welcomed Amy Leversidge as its new General Secretary, facilitated by executive recruitment specialists CJPI. This notable appointment is a milestone, marking Amy as the first woman to lead BALPA in its 86-year history.
BALPA, the esteemed professional association and trade union, represents over 10,000 pilots and is acknowledged by 20 distinct companies, covering over 85% of commercial pilots in the UK.
The association entrusted CJPI with the task of conducting a thorough search for an innovative leader to guide BALPA into a new era. Following a comprehensive selection process, Amy Leversidge emerged as the ideal candidate.
Chris Percival, Managing Director of CJPI, along with Search Director Robert Percival, expressed their pride in leading the search: “The team and I are honoured to have been trusted by BALPA with this significant search and we are delighted to have identified and secured such an exceptional candidate from an extremely strong shortlist – as a result of an exhaustive process. Amy not only possesses the skills and expertise required for the role but also brings a perspective that will undoubtedly contribute to BALPA’s continued success.”
Amy Leversidge, presently the Assistant General Secretary at the FDA and a seasoned trade unionist with prior experience at the Royal College of Midwives, shared her sentiments on the appointment: “I am honoured to become BALPA’s General Secretary. I am looking forward to working with the excellent staff and elected reps to ensure BALPA continues to deliver real outcomes for pilots across the UK and is a strong and influential voice for the piloting profession. It is a privilege to be BALPA’s General Secretary and to make history as the first woman in this vital leadership position in the union.”
Leversidge is set to commence her role with BALPA in the upcoming year.