Survey Reveals Under 24s Fear Threat of AI Technology to Their Jobs

A recent survey conducted by training experts has unveiled that young individuals are growing increasingly apprehensive about the potential job threats posed by the latest AI technology.

Acuity Training‘s 2023 study on the rise of AI technology indicated that while 31% of all respondents expressed concern about AI replacing their jobs, a remarkable 40% of 16 to 24-year-olds shared these anxieties.

The survey also delved into the current usage of AI in workplaces, with London leading the way at 47.9%, followed closely by Yorkshire and Humber at 45.6%, and the North West at 40.5%.

Ben Richardson, the Managing Director of Acuity Training, remarked on the unexpected level of concern among the younger generation, saying, “We expected some degree of worry about how AI might impact jobs, but it surprised us to see such a significant proportion of 16 to 24-year-olds expressing concerns. We thought this generation might embrace such revolutionary technology.”

As AI technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, with weekly breakthroughs, individuals and businesses are still adapting to its implementation to enhance productivity and improve the quality of work. Richardson emphasised that AI is undeniably here to stay and predicted exponential growth as we transition from 2023 to 2024.

The global AI market’s value was estimated at $69 billion in 2022 and is projected to exceed $1.8 billion by 2032.

The survey also analysed the most used and sought-after AI platforms. One platform that stood out significantly was ChatGPT, which experienced a surge in popularity. Searches for ChatGPT on Google UK soared from under 1,000 in November 2022 to an impressive 8.3 million in April.

Acuity Training commissioned Censuswide to conduct the survey on their behalf, shedding light on the growing concerns surrounding AI’s impact on job security, particularly among the younger generation.

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