Embrace Your Inner Goddess and Honour International Women’s Day

First established as a Socialist political event in 1911, International Women’s Day (IWD) is a tribute to the women’s rights movement and a celebration of the cultural, social, and economic contributions of women worldwide.

Recognised annually on 8th March, the theme for International Women’s Day 2025 is ‘Accelerate Action’ for gender equality. This global initiative encourages education, raises awareness, and empowers women to drive progress in their personal and professional lives. By offering support and showing appreciation, respect, and love towards women, individuals can inspire and motivate others to do the same.

Celebrate female achievement
If you’re tired of feeling that you always have to wear a mask or that your voice is unheard by others, it’s time to fully embrace your innate feminine energy. This IWD, make an activist commitment to honour yourself and to express your creativity, empathy and emotions freely and openly.

On IWD 2025, get together with your confident, beautiful, strong, resilient and amazing female friends and celebrate, collaborate and uplift each other in a positive manner that is personal, inclusive and meaningful to you. You can also mark the special day by unleashing your inner goddess and empowering yourself to make good life choices that benefit your happiness.

The importance of balanced energy
Masculine energy naturally possesses a strong ‘take action’ quality, while feminine energy is expressed through the act of ‘being’. Everyone has a fluidity of the two energetic yin (feminine) and yang (masculine) components, and bringing them into balance is essential for good health and happy living.

If you habitually take on a ‘doing’ masculine role to get ahead in life, let go of the need to always be in control. Acknowledge that your potent feminine energy knows how to gets things done simply by ‘being’. When you restore and balance your energy as a woman, you will feel empowered. You can then easily attract go-getting masculines that are in touch with their feminine side, and you’ll no longer perceive other women as a potential threat to your success.

Activate your shakti
Long ago, the feminist movement heavily emphasised that equality between the sexes could only be achieved if women acted more like men. But there’s really no need to conform to a more masculine version of yourself simply to get ahead in life. It’s much easier, quicker and a lot more fun to unleash your inner goddess.

There are many ways you can instantly activate your shakti (powerful feminine life force). Dancing to your favourite upbeat music, practicing yoga asanas, or boosting your mood via a fitness class or sport will rapidly get your energy flowing.

Once you’ve awakened your shakti, it’s important to nurture it by becoming grounded. Make time for relaxation and meditation, and explore unique wellness experiences that will make you feel rejuvenated. To support your emotional and physical health, it’s crucial to make self-care a priority.

Radiate your feminine energy through the colours, styles and textures of the clothes that you wear. Be proud to rock your femininity and unique personality by immersing yourself in artistic expression. Get absorbed in your favourite hobbies and pastimes, learn new skills or tap into your creative side by attending a workshop. When you embrace your divine feminine superpower you lose the need or desire to compete with males. Instead, you’ll be focused on maintaining your energetic integrity and living a life that’s full of love and purpose.

Cultivate a supportive social circle
When your inner goddess is unleased, you’ll no longer want to spend time around people who diminish your energy. Surrounding yourself with empowered, like-minded women is important for supporting your personal growth and wellbeing.

If you don’t already belong to a strong network of empowered women, now is the perfect time to join or create one. Seek out wise women that you respect and admire and cultivate a supportive social circle that benefits everyone. Share stories, guidance and words of wisdom to empower each other on your uniquely individual spiritual journeys.

Do You
As the embodiment of a true goddess, you’re a woman who unashamedly has the confidence and innate power to do anything that you put your mind to. By being bold in your actions, on International Women’s Day, you’ll inspire other women to follow your lead.

Dare yourself to do You with natural self-belief and confidence, and invite your inner goddess to come out and play for all of the world to see.

Why not try consulting an experienced psychic reader, on IWD, this can give you the boost you need to acknowledge and accept that you truly are a divine goddess.

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