Matt Luca Waterman Unveils Stirring New Track “Stop Racism” – A Call for Unity Amid Global Unrest

At a time when immigration issues, racial inequality, and biased policing dominate global discussions, Matt Luca Waterman has released a powerful new single, “Stop Racism.” The song serves as a poignant plea for unity, encouraging listeners to move beyond the divisions of race and religion to embrace a shared humanity.

The cover art for “Stop Racism” is as bold as the message within the song, featuring a striking image of a skinless human figure, symbolising that beneath the surface, we are all the same. This impactful visual reinforces the song’s message, emphasising that race is a superficial difference.

Matt’s exposure to different cultures, including his marriage to Gail, a woman of colour, has shaped his understanding of the damaging effects of racism. His latest song is a reflection of his frustration with the persistence of prejudice in today’s society. “It’s time we stop judging people by the colour of their skin or their religious beliefs,” Matt declares. “Racism is not just harmful; it’s absurd. Where do you draw the line between what’s white and what’s tan, what’s tan and what’s brown, what’s brown and what’s black? None of it should matter, because we’re all just different shades of the same colour. Melanin may give us our skin tone, but underneath, we are all human.”

In “Stop Racism,” Matt confronts the urgent need to address discrimination, particularly in how law enforcement treats individuals based on race. “We live in a time where the way people are treated by law enforcement can depend on the colour of their skin, where immigration debates are often steeped in racial bias. This has to stop,” he asserts. “My wife has faced racism her entire life, and it still happens today. Even my boys have experienced racism while playing football. This song is for them, for her and for everyone who’s ever been judged unfairly because of their skin tone or religion.”

The track reinforces the idea that our differences are merely skin-deep and stresses that the concept of race is a social construct that should no longer divide humanity. “From the darkest brown to the lightest ivory, we’re all part of the same human family,” Matt explains. “It’s time to move past these superficial differences and start seeing each other for who we really are – humans.”

“Stop Racism” is available on all major streaming platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, Qobuz, Amazon Music Unlimited, Deezer, YouTube Music, SoundCloud, and Audiomack. This song is more than just a piece of music; it’s a rallying cry for everyone to stand up against racism and help create a world built on equality and love.

Listen to Stop Racism Song on Spotify

Listen to Stop Racism Song on YouTube Music

Listen to Stop Racism Song on Apple

Listen to Stop Racism Song on Soundcloud

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